
Top tips for installing ieGeek security cameras

The security camera is one of the most powerful weapons to protect home security. Only when you install your ieGeek security cameras in the right location, can cameras maximize the power to protect your property and family.

Cloud storage VS SD card
Which one is better for security camera recordings?

Top tips for installing ieGeek security cameras

Top solutions for ieGeek battery camera network troubleshooting

We will detail the camera network setup steps and guide you on how to troubleshoot the battery camera with no Wifi connecting in minutes by detecting the indicator light.

Complete Guide to Security Camera SD Card Storage

In this post, we will introduce how to set up SD card storage on the ieGeek security camera. Now follow it step by step and get things easily done.

How to prevent security cameras from being hacked? 4 methods we must take

There was a news story about a famous security camera brand that was taken over by a hacker inside a little girl’s room and the hacker taunted the terrified little girl. Today we’ll talk about some typical security issues of security cameras, and how to prevent them from being hacked.

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